Blockchain technology was announced through the paper titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to Peer Electronic Cash System” by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. Interestingly, this paper does not specifically use the word “blockchain”.

  • Primechain Technologies is a blockchain startup with the mission of building blockchains for a better world.
  • They operate BankChain, a community of banks for exploring, building and implementing blockchain solutions. Formed in February 2017 with State Bank of India (one of the largest banks in the world) being the first member, BankChain now has 35 members globally.
  • They work closely with Microsoft, Intel, IBM and Dell.
  • They overlook maintenance of Primechain-BSC: Blockchain Security Controls, the world’s first security controls and recommendations for blockchain implementations.
  • They are in the process of developing Primechain BOX, the world’s first multi-node, pre-configured blockchain appliance.
    They have filed for a provisional US patent titled “Transparent self-managing Know Your Customer (KYC) program using blockchain and smart contracts”.
  • YobiChain, their open source project, enables anyone to build a private blockchain ecosystem preloaded with development tools, database, web & FTP servers and blockchain proof-of-concept applications within minutes.
  • They have conducted over 25 events – conferences, blockathons, training sessions and meetings.
  • Though their main focus is on the Banking & Financial Services sector, several of their solutions are also relevant for other industries including Government, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals, Insurance, Manufacturing, Aviation, Shipping & Logistics and Telecommunications, Defense & Military.